Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Anybody Want to Tell Me What's Going On?

I figured it was time to blow off the cyberdust and crack open the old blog again. I wish I had some great and momentous occasion to do so but I don't. No instead I just go about my days like always weathering whatever life seems to throw my way. Whether its my car breaking down because some feral feline decided to take a nap in my engine or paying out a several hundred dollars so my car can pass inspection.
I have finally graudated from college (yeah!) only to find out nobody is interested in hiring a person with a degree in Psychology and 9 years experience in the Fast Food Industry who also just so happens to be speak really good Spanish.
All of this on top of the fact that my teeth rotting out of my head. (Kids remember to brush and floss 10 times a day.) Now they can be fixed (somewhat) but unfortunitly I don't a several thousand dollars lying around to do so.
So I just go about my days working at Fazoli's, still making only $8.50/hr, waiting patientlly for my break to come with my beautiful and wife by my side. Whenever I feel down I just look over at her and realize that life is good.