Thursday, December 31, 2009

Now that's more like it!

Let me try on a new hat and play at being a sports commentator/analyst. I have understandably been following Radford University Basketball this year and doing so with excitement for what this season may hold. Another trip to the Big Dance this March? This year they have beefed up their schedule (pre-season #11) playing some true powerhouses and other quality teams in hopes of gaining valuable experience. So far I think it has been paying off has they seem to be gaining more confidence. Last night's crushing defeat of a good George Mason was a prime example. However, they did lose close games too Duequesne and William &Mary. Both solid teams, but teams Radford needs to beat if they want to avoid the dreaded 16th seed in the NCAA tournament. Losing to Kansas, Duke and Louisville is acceptable and probably expected. But they need to beat the other good mid-major schools to show that deserve a slightly higher seeding.

The big difference between last night and the other two games was the free throws. In the losses to W&M and Duequesne they shot horribly from the line. Last night they went 22-28. In 8 and 2 points losses; missed free throws can cost you the game. In these games they probably did. So hopefully Radford can build upon this, continue to hit their free throws and roll through the rest of the schedule and maybe get a 15 seed.

Go RU!

Now that

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Look Out Adulthood, Here I Come.

In studying psychology I learned about the different stages of life that people go through, starting at birth and ending at death. Psychologists recently added a new stage, emerging adulthood which is suppose to last the majority of your twenties. This is the stage you spend in college, find a husband or wife, and try to find and make your way in the world. One could say it ends when one finally decides to except maturity and become responsible. Since coming home from my mission some eight years ago that is exactly what my life as been. But things are changing.

I have graduated from college. I have found and married the great love of my life who is pregnant with twins. I have found employment. No I am not talking about another fast food job like I've been working forever now. No, I have found employment as a Mental Health Paraprofessional with NRVCS. While it might be considered low on the pay scale but it is salary and has benefits and everything. It is a good start and something I can begin to raise a family on.
So gone are the care free days of bachelorhood. Gone is the fun of being a newlywed. Now I have grown up. I have entered adulthood and started a family. I am settling down. One chapter ends and another begins. Adulthood has come and I could not be happier.

Tracy Note: I'm mega proud of this guy =D

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Life's Little Surprises Part 2

Tracy and I went up to the high risk pregnancy specialist a few days after our visit to the doctor. While there we received another surprise....we are having twins. Needless to say we were both stunned and shocked. Twins, we were not expecting that. While we are scared to death and freaking out a little bit we are at the same time extremely happy and looking forward very much to having not just one but two babies.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Life's Little Surprises

Pregnancy has not been kind to my family. Three miscarriages had caused us to lose hope that we would ever be able to have children of our own. The problem didn't seem to be getting pregnant but having our children survive and make it to term. While we never had any doctor really say anything to confirm our worst fear we nevertheless planned for the worst. We began to investigate other options. Then life told us to hold on not give up yet.
Tracy hadn't really been experiencing any symptoms but felt a strange lump in her lower abdomen. (Not wanting to get into any details but it didn't seem likely that she would be pregnant). She was afraid that she had a tumor or something. Before heading to the Temple last month she decided to go ahead and take a pregnancy test just to dispel any hope. Well the test came back positive. We were shocked and joyed but we didn't succumb to too much jubilation. We wanted to go to the doctor first and get everything confirmed and checked out first.
Earlier this week we were finally able to go the doctor and Tracy is in fact pregnant. The baby is alive and doesn't appear to have any problems. She's 19-20 weeks along and due currently April 7th. So if everything goes right from here on night a baby will finally enter our lives (it looks like a girl but still has a slight chance of being a boy).
To that I only have one thing to say........YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Temple Bound

Tracy and I and getting ready to go the temple next week. This makes the first time we've been able to go together since we were married almost two years ago. We decided with everything that has happened to us and with the changes I am trying to make in my professional life that we needed to go back. So I got a couple of days off and saved up a little money so we would be able to take the trip and Monday we are off.
What am I hoping to gain from this trip? I don't know really. I am not expecting answers to any great questions I may be harboring. No, I think all I want is to draw closer to my wife, my savior and my Heavenly Father and maybe just get a gentle assurance that everything is going to be alright.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Anybody Want to Tell Me What's Going On?

I figured it was time to blow off the cyberdust and crack open the old blog again. I wish I had some great and momentous occasion to do so but I don't. No instead I just go about my days like always weathering whatever life seems to throw my way. Whether its my car breaking down because some feral feline decided to take a nap in my engine or paying out a several hundred dollars so my car can pass inspection.
I have finally graudated from college (yeah!) only to find out nobody is interested in hiring a person with a degree in Psychology and 9 years experience in the Fast Food Industry who also just so happens to be speak really good Spanish.
All of this on top of the fact that my teeth rotting out of my head. (Kids remember to brush and floss 10 times a day.) Now they can be fixed (somewhat) but unfortunitly I don't a several thousand dollars lying around to do so.
So I just go about my days working at Fazoli's, still making only $8.50/hr, waiting patientlly for my break to come with my beautiful and wife by my side. Whenever I feel down I just look over at her and realize that life is good.

Friday, May 29, 2009

What a Difference a Decade Makes.

I remember back when I graduated from high school the world seemed to be my oyster. I had good test scores and a good GPA, 3.5. I got accepted into the schools I wanted to go to, the military really wanted me and told me I had my pick of just about any program. The world was going to be mine. Now a 10 (OK 12) years later things seemed to have changed.

I finally finished College and got my degree in Psychology. This time my GPA was average at best and my test scores (while pretty much the same from high school) have changed from great to average. Now I couldn't get into any of the grad schools I applied to. I can't join the Air Force, and it seems like I have to jump through more hoops to get into a program in the Army that I would like. On top of all that it seems hard to find a job. A Bachelors in Psychology seems to be almost worthless. I am not quite qualified for anything, other than fast food.

Is it me, have I over the years become or have made myself less desirable. Have the times just changed making it harder. Or maybe just my perception of the world has changed and I am beginning to see the world for how it really is.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My greatest fear.

I was asked in an interview today what my greatest fear was, to which I responded failure. After having some time to reflect on that I have come to realize it's not really failure I am afraid of, it is not succeeding, ever. While realted they are not the same thing. One still has the possiblity of later success and happiness that other only leads to dispare (which I consider the loss of hope). That is my fear, to work this hard and never be able to achieve that which I aspire to, To work and work and never reach my goal. I don't want to end up like poor Tantalus.
"Tantalus's punishment, now proverbial for temptation without satisfaction (the source of the English word "tantalizing"[10]), was to stand in a pool of water beneath a fruit tree with low branches. Whenever he reached for the fruit, the branches raised his intended meal from his grasp. Whenever he bent down to get a drink, the water receded before he could get any."
I fear of working this hard and getting so close to my dreams to only have them receed from my reach and I never be able to reach them. That the light appears at the end of the tunnel but never gets any closer.
While I may have my fears, I will not let them paralyze me for hope and faith are often all I have. I have to trust that things will work out in the end.
Recently I have had cause for hope. Today I completed two interviews, one for grad school and one for the job. While the job interview did not work I have not lost hope. I still have the other, which I should find out about in the next two weeks. If that doesn't work out than I'll tr again with someone/somewhere else. Even if they reject me it has still giving me hope and has made the light grow a little closer.

Monday, March 16, 2009

5 Seconds of Fame

Yesterday I attended a NCAA Basketball Tournament selection party at my school, to join in with other fans to find out what seed we would get and whom we will play and where. I was a bit disappointed to receive a 16 seed and find out we're playing basketball powerhouse UNC Tar Heels. While I do have faith in my team that they can pull off the upset and shock the world, the realist in me also realizes that Radford will more than likely lose its first round game and be once again forgotten by the rest of the nation. That does not matter because I can still hold my head high and say we made it, and be proud of my team, after all where is Virginia Tech?
Going to the party also had one other benefit, the local cbs affiliate, wdbj 7, was there interviewing fans, alumni, and players and I was one of the people interviewed. While I did end up on the 11 o'clock news it was very brief and my name wasn't put up :(. Of course I said more than what they showed but they only used two sound bits totalling about 3-5 seconds. I'll take what I can get. Follow the link below if you would like to very the news story in which I appear.

The first time I appear its easy to see because you can see my face. The second time I am talking about the Dread the Red shirts so they are showing the shirt and you can't see my face.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Some People are Just Jerks

I was working as usual at my job at Fazoli's. It was later in the afternoon and thing were slow. We'd been having a problem with the heat in the dinning room and I have been listening to guest complain about being cold all week (it wasn't that cold out there). This family comes in to eat and the father immediately begins to complain about it being a little cold in here.
"It's a little chilly, in here", a short pause "don't you guys have heat?"
To which I respond in a very jokingly manner "Nah, I refuse to turn it on, I'm always hot even when everyone else in cold."
To which he somehow took offense "I'm not going to take this lets go" and began directing a somewhat confused wife and son out the door.
"You know I was joking right" I called has he was forcing his family out the restaurant.
"Yeah, I just didn't like your comment." he says before exiting.
I guess some people are just born without a sense of humor a turn out to total jerks. Maybe he was having a bad day, after all he was wearing a UVA sweater. Ethier way he comes off looking like a total B-hole to me and to his family.

Monday, March 9, 2009

A TIme to Dance

This last week I was personally able to witness something that has only happened one other time, 11 years ago. I watched in person has my Radford University Highlanders won the Big South Conference Tournament earning a ticket to Big Dance. That is the NCAA Championship Basketball (March Madness) tournament to the layman.
It was a lot of fun and very exciting to be there and watch it happen. I felt pride and joy, for my school and my team. I loved watching the Belorussian Beast, Art Parakhouski, dominate the lesser opponents and lead our team to victory. It was great to be apart of the raucous crowd and be able to cheer my team to victory. I look forward to watching my team on the national scene as they play in the opening round. Regardless of who they play or whether or not they win, it'll be great to watch. I'll be sure to wear my dancing shoes.
GO RU!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My First Career Fair

Today I decided to skip class, which I didn't really want to do, to attend a career fair at the Salem Civic Center. There I roamed around trying to act like I knew what I was doing and trying to look all sure of myself and professional. I talked with a few companies/recruiters and gave out some resumes in hopes of maybe scoring an interview or maybe even a job. The pickings where a bit slim for what I was looking for but there were some employers there that caught my interest. Blue Ridge Behavioral Health, Family Preservation Services, Project Horizon Inc., Veterans Affairs, and Carilion. Also there was another employer that could provide a job for the summer that would give me much needed experience in the field, Virginia Camp Jaycees. However that could involve me having to spend a summer away from my wife.
All-in-all it was a new and interesting experience and I hope something comes of it, especially if grad school does not work out. I am really hoping that the fact that I speak Spanish helps put me in front of the pack. Well I know one of the people I talked to will call, that would be the U.S. Army, they always call.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


One of my favorite shows on TV is the hit comedy "The Big Bang Theory." One of the characters from that show is Sheldon Cooper, a brilliant theoretical physicist, child prodigy, and self proclaimed smartest man on the planet . However the social world completely escapes his grasp and he often challenges others patients with his idiosyncrasies and quirks, many stemming from his OCD. Anyway, he says some of the funniest things in the show and says them in the dorkiest, long winded and scientific way possible. Here are few of my favorite Sheldon quotes. (These are funnier when you can put them in context with the show.)

"Explain to me an organizational system where a tray of flatware on a couch is valid. I'm just inferring that this is a couch, because the evidence suggests the coffee table is having a tiny garage sale."

"There wouldn't have been any @$$ kickings if that stupid death ray had worked."

"Oh, Do you realize I may have to share a Nobel Prize with your booty call?I'm sorry."

"Did I insult you? Is your body mass somehow tied into your self worth?"

"No, I’m going to ask him to choose between sex and Halo 3. As far as I know, sex has not been upgraded to include high-def graphics and enhanced weapon systems."

"While Mr. Kim, by virtue of youth and naiveté, has fallen prey to the inexplicable need for human contact, let me step in and assure you that my research will go on uninterrupted, and that social relationships will continue to baffle and repulse me."

"Yes, well, I’m polymerized tree sap and you’re an inorganic adhesive, so whatever verbal projectile you launch in my direction is reflected off of me, returns to its original trajectory and adheres to you."

"What computer do you have? And please don't say "a white one."

"Engineering: where the noble semi-skilled laborers execute the vision of those who think and dream. Hello, Ooompa-Loompas of science."

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

What I've been doing, a research proposal

Since school has started up, I've been busy and haven't had a whole lot of time to blog. This being my last semester I'm having to take two different research classes, both of which have projects I have to come up with and conduct. This takes a lot of work and I have a research proposal for one of them due tomorrow. It is done with the exception of a few minor things that should only take me a few minutes to complete in the morning. The following is my research proposal. This one is actually more like the formal paper, in APA style that I'll turn in when the project is complete. It will be revised, and have a result and discussion section added to it. Just want to give you guys a taste of what I am doing and find out what you think about it. (It looks alot better in Word)


Music and Memory: The Effect Studying to Music has on the Ability to Memorize Information.

Michael Fisher

Radford University


People today are bombarded with stimuli, especially from media sources. Television, music, radio, and internet compete for are attention and assault our senses on a daily bases. For most of us it is just a part of everyday life, so much so in fact that times of peace and quite are beginning to seem alien. But what effect does all this stimuli have on us? This study aims to look at one effect this stimulus overload may have.

Music is an important part of life. It is safe to say that most people enjoy listening to music in someway. This is especially true for youth. Anyone can walk across any campus in the U.S.A. and probably find someone with headphones on listening to their I-Pod or stereo. Walking through a campus Library one can find someone trying to study while listening to music. Is this really a good idea? Is listening to music while studying helping or hurting the student? Does music help or hinder the learning and memorization process? That is the question this study wants to help answer.

A study of secondary education students (8-10 grades) found that most did homework in their own rooms, over 80%, where almost all of them had at least a stereo/radio, 92.1% (Beentjes, Koolstra, and Van Ver Voort, 1996). Of the students studied only 18% reported never using the media in their room while studying. Almost all who had radios/stereos reported using them while they studied, 80%. This study also found that these numbers went down when the student studied in some other location such as the living room. It was reported that 67% of the students could hear the music in the background but kept their minds on their homework while 37% said that the back ground music demanded more of their attention as they tried to carefully listen to the music at the same time has doing their homework. Furthermore, 27% reported to switching back and forth from listening to the music to doing homework and 21% reported doing so frequently. Only 17% said that they never really heard/ paid attention to the music while studying. The study reports that the students felt that the presence of music slightly aided in paper-and-pencil assignments but had a negative impact on learning assignments.

Rock and Roll has been found to hinder the performance on mathematical and verbal test but not on reading comprehension (Tucker and Bushman, 1991). In conflict to that study another found that scores on a reading comprehension test scores did go done when the subjects listened to music while studying. (Etaugh and Ptasnik, 1982).

The familiarity of the music also plays a role. It has been found that unfamiliar noise/music causes poorer performance on reading comprehension (Hilliard and Tolin, 1979).

Some studies have been done to look at who is more affected by studying to music. Those who reported frequently studying to music have been found to be less effected by the presence of music during a reading comprehension test (Etaugh and Michals, 1975). Also extraverts have been found aided by studying to music while introverts are hurt by it (Furnham and Bradley, 1997). In this study the extraverts where help by music in memory tasks but hurt in reading comprehension while the introverts where hampered in both areas. This was again attributed to the extraverts to studying more frequently to music than the introverts who preferred to study in silence.

Many of the studies done, test the subjects while music is playing to see its effect on performance. This approach doesn’t create a very real situation as most students will not be taking tests while music is playing in the background. This study wants to look at the effects of studying to music has on ones ability to memorize information for later recall, like a student would have to do when studying for tests and quizzes. It also wants to look at the effects of varies types of music (classical/instrumental, Rock and Country) will have to see if studying to one type of music is better than another.

It is hypothesized that those who study to music will perform worse on an information recall test than those who study in silence. With that it is also believed that those who listen to classical music will perform better than those who listen to rock or country on the same test.



Subjects were found through the Intro to Psychology classes at Radford University. Sign up sheets were distributed to each class and passed around allowing the students the option to sign up or not. A total of 80 students signed up for the study and were contacted via e-mail about their participation. The subjects were rewarded for participation by receiving extra credit in their class and with refreshments at the end of the test period.

The subjects were randomly assigned to four different groups with 20 in each group by drawing numbers out of a hat. Each group was randomly assigned, by the same method, a measure of the variable: no music, classical/instrumental, country, rock.

The subjects completed a questionnaire during the experiment about their study habits. Through the questionnaire it was found that 75% of them regularly study with music playing while only 60% of them worked on homework assignments while listening to music. The majority, 80%, when listening to music used headphones or other personal devices as apposed to listening to music over the speakers. Only 35% percent reported regularly watching TV while doing homework and 40% while studying. Most of the subjects do most of their studying where they live, 60%, versus 33% who preferred the library and 7% in other locations.


Music was chosen for each group, with the exception of the no music/control group, based on it being considered typical and common for that genre. The classical instrumental group listened to Beethoven’s 5th Symphony. The rock group listened to Dude Look Like a Lady by Aerosmith. The country group listened to Goodbye Earl by Carrie Underwood. The music was played over the speakers in the classroom using the system provided in the room. A stop watch was used to time the study and break sessions about music and study habits.

A list of twenty-five countries and their capitals was typed up and printed for the subjects to study and memorize. A simple quiz was then made to test their memorization of the information. The quiz listed 20 of the 25 countries in a different order and gave all 25 capitals and the word bank. The subjects would than have to try to match the correct capital to the country. A questionnaire was also used to obtain information on their study and music listening habits and as a distracting device. The subjects were tested in a typical university classroom at the university in the late evening.


The subjects were divided into groups by drawing numbers from a hat and then groups were assigned to their variable levels by the same method. Instruction was given to each group and informed consent was obtained.

The study materials were passed out and the music was started. Each group was given four minutes to study the material. After the four minutes the music was stop and study guides were collected.

A questionnaire was then passed out to obtain study and music listening habits from the subjects and also to serve as a distracting devise. When all questionnaires were completed and collected the tests was distributed. Each subject was given a maximum of eight minutes to complete the matching test. When all tests were completed they were graded and scored out of twenty (scoring the number of correct answers). The scores were then recorded into a SPSS file for statistical analysis.


Beentjes, Johannes W.J., Koolstra, Cees M. and Van Der Voort, Tom H.A. (1996).

Combining background media with doing homework: Incidence of background media use and perceived effects. Communicating Education, 45, 59-72.

Etaugh, Claire and Michals, David (1975). Effects of on reading comprehension of

preferred music and frequency of studying to music. Perceptual and Motor Skills,

41, 553-554.

Etaugh, Claire and Ptasnik, Patricia (1982). Effects of studying to music and post-study

relaxation on reading comprehension. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 55, 141-142.

Furnham, Adrian and Bradley, Anna (1997). Music while you work: The differential

distraction of background music on the cognitive test performance of introverts and extraverts. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 11, 445-455.

Hilliard, Mark O. and Tolin, Philip (1979). Effect of familiarity with background music

on performance of simple and difficult reading comprehension tasks. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 49, 713-714.

Tucker, Alexander and Bushman, Brad J. (1991). Effects of rock and roll music on

mathematical, verbal and reading comprehension performance. Perceptual and

Motor Skills, 72, 942.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Cold hearted

Over the last week or so it has finally gotten cold enough to be called winter. I appreciate sub freezing temperatures more than most people do so I have found the last week a little refreshing. To top it all off it finally snowed, and snowed enough to have some accumulation. But what does mother nature do? The day after it snows, the sun comes out, the temperature warms up and melts most of the snow. No fun in the snow for me I guess. Then to make it even worse, the next day the temperature drops even again, to probably even lower levels then before, so I freeze my hind-end off walking back and forth across campus to get to my classes. Thanks mother nature, thou art cold and heartless.

Friday, January 16, 2009

My new inspirational line.

I am sure you are all familiar with those inspirational photos/wall decor things. The ones with a picture of a light house, or an eagle with some word underneath like attitude, freedom or forgiveness followed some inspirational quote. In that same tradition I am coming up with my own line of inspirational decor. Here is my first, what do you think. (The picture is from Angel.)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Just Desserts.

Last night I was driving home from work. It was almost 11pm so it was dark and late so there weren't very many other cars out. I'm driving along obeying the speed limit (honestly) when this car speeds up behind me with his high beams on, blinding and annoying me. He's behind me for about 3 minutes when we get to a part when there is a second lane in our direction, he speeds on by me like I was standing still. I remember thinking that if there are any cops out there he's going to get pulled over and hoping that he would. (There are often cops on that road at night.)

About a mile or so down the road I see the distinct flash of police lights and knew may wish had come true. Sure enough he had been pulled over. I just smiled and waved as I drove past. Sometimes its the simple things in life that can bring a little ray of sunshine into your otherwise dreary day.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

One reason why I hate shopping, or life in the No Go lane.

My boss gave me a gift card for Red Lobster for Christmas. Since this was one of the few days off I had in a while we decided to use it. Lunch was great, I got Salmon (yum), and since we where in the big shopping area I asked my wife if their was any place we wanted to go which took us to her favorite store, Target.
We shopped around for a while, or really looked around as we have no money to be buying much, Which my wife never let me forget as she would complain how we did not have enough money to buy everything she wanted, which was about everything there. We did decide to buy a little candy for us to snack on later. We proceeded to the check out which had only two lanes open, I picked the one that seemed the shortest and quickest. This gets me to the part I hate, I always manage to pick the wrong one.
First their is the elder lady who takes ten minutes to write out a check. Then there is the lady with three kids, each kid got money for Christmas. That means that the one person was really four, three of them children, all paying in cash and I believe one of them had a couple of dollars in change that had to be counted out. When they finally finished it was our turn. With our few bags of candy and my handy debt card it took all of one minute for us to check out and pay.
I think stores should add a new lane, one designed for the chronically slow, overly large or multiple order, people . Right next to the express line, they can call the it the No Go lane, with the instructions of 10 minutes or more.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

2009, a very big year.

Its a new year, like you didn't already know, and whenever a new year comes around people all over reevaluate there lives and make resolutions in an effort to somehow improve upon who they are (Weight loss being the most common). While I can appreciate the attempt people make to improve, most fail. If you'd like I can tell you why, but that is another blog another time. Any way I usually pass on the whole New Year's resolution thing. I usually say it's because I'm already perfect and therefore have no need to make any resolutions, but in reality it's because I prefer to do something else.

First habits don't change, form or go away overnight. They require hard work, discipline and time, you can't just decided that you want to be one way then wake up the next morning and TA-DA it's happened. I just try to be better than I was the day before. So for New Year I prefer to do something a little different. I set a goal or two, something I want to accomplish or get done by years end. No, diets or exercise, no "spend more time with my family" or anything like that. I like specific and concrete goals that are easy to mesh out, measure and work toward.

This year its rather easy, I want to graduate from college. But secondly and probably more importantly I don't to working at Fazoli's anymore (with one exception). That means that I want to working some other job or be attending grad school. (If I am attending Radford or Tech, I might consider working part time still at Fazoli's). With the exception of my Marriage back in '07 this could possibly turn out to be the most important year of my life. A lot could happen that determines my future and how my life turns out graduating from college, and either going to Grad school or finding a real job. Much is certainly hanging on what happens during 2009.