Saturday, March 14, 2009

Some People are Just Jerks

I was working as usual at my job at Fazoli's. It was later in the afternoon and thing were slow. We'd been having a problem with the heat in the dinning room and I have been listening to guest complain about being cold all week (it wasn't that cold out there). This family comes in to eat and the father immediately begins to complain about it being a little cold in here.
"It's a little chilly, in here", a short pause "don't you guys have heat?"
To which I respond in a very jokingly manner "Nah, I refuse to turn it on, I'm always hot even when everyone else in cold."
To which he somehow took offense "I'm not going to take this lets go" and began directing a somewhat confused wife and son out the door.
"You know I was joking right" I called has he was forcing his family out the restaurant.
"Yeah, I just didn't like your comment." he says before exiting.
I guess some people are just born without a sense of humor a turn out to total jerks. Maybe he was having a bad day, after all he was wearing a UVA sweater. Ethier way he comes off looking like a total B-hole to me and to his family.

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