Saturday, January 3, 2009

2009, a very big year.

Its a new year, like you didn't already know, and whenever a new year comes around people all over reevaluate there lives and make resolutions in an effort to somehow improve upon who they are (Weight loss being the most common). While I can appreciate the attempt people make to improve, most fail. If you'd like I can tell you why, but that is another blog another time. Any way I usually pass on the whole New Year's resolution thing. I usually say it's because I'm already perfect and therefore have no need to make any resolutions, but in reality it's because I prefer to do something else.

First habits don't change, form or go away overnight. They require hard work, discipline and time, you can't just decided that you want to be one way then wake up the next morning and TA-DA it's happened. I just try to be better than I was the day before. So for New Year I prefer to do something a little different. I set a goal or two, something I want to accomplish or get done by years end. No, diets or exercise, no "spend more time with my family" or anything like that. I like specific and concrete goals that are easy to mesh out, measure and work toward.

This year its rather easy, I want to graduate from college. But secondly and probably more importantly I don't to working at Fazoli's anymore (with one exception). That means that I want to working some other job or be attending grad school. (If I am attending Radford or Tech, I might consider working part time still at Fazoli's). With the exception of my Marriage back in '07 this could possibly turn out to be the most important year of my life. A lot could happen that determines my future and how my life turns out graduating from college, and either going to Grad school or finding a real job. Much is certainly hanging on what happens during 2009.

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