Thursday, January 8, 2009

One reason why I hate shopping, or life in the No Go lane.

My boss gave me a gift card for Red Lobster for Christmas. Since this was one of the few days off I had in a while we decided to use it. Lunch was great, I got Salmon (yum), and since we where in the big shopping area I asked my wife if their was any place we wanted to go which took us to her favorite store, Target.
We shopped around for a while, or really looked around as we have no money to be buying much, Which my wife never let me forget as she would complain how we did not have enough money to buy everything she wanted, which was about everything there. We did decide to buy a little candy for us to snack on later. We proceeded to the check out which had only two lanes open, I picked the one that seemed the shortest and quickest. This gets me to the part I hate, I always manage to pick the wrong one.
First their is the elder lady who takes ten minutes to write out a check. Then there is the lady with three kids, each kid got money for Christmas. That means that the one person was really four, three of them children, all paying in cash and I believe one of them had a couple of dollars in change that had to be counted out. When they finally finished it was our turn. With our few bags of candy and my handy debt card it took all of one minute for us to check out and pay.
I think stores should add a new lane, one designed for the chronically slow, overly large or multiple order, people . Right next to the express line, they can call the it the No Go lane, with the instructions of 10 minutes or more.


Melinda said...

Just hope that you don't get behind me in line, because I could fall into either of those....And honestly, I have to say way to go to the mom letting her kids pay. Sorry Michael, not sympathies here. But, I am glad you all got to go out to eat at Red Lobster! I am jealous!

The Mad Genius said...

I don't have a problem with the mom letting her kids pay, I just don't want to be behind them in line.