Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My First Career Fair

Today I decided to skip class, which I didn't really want to do, to attend a career fair at the Salem Civic Center. There I roamed around trying to act like I knew what I was doing and trying to look all sure of myself and professional. I talked with a few companies/recruiters and gave out some resumes in hopes of maybe scoring an interview or maybe even a job. The pickings where a bit slim for what I was looking for but there were some employers there that caught my interest. Blue Ridge Behavioral Health, Family Preservation Services, Project Horizon Inc., Veterans Affairs, and Carilion. Also there was another employer that could provide a job for the summer that would give me much needed experience in the field, Virginia Camp Jaycees. However that could involve me having to spend a summer away from my wife.
All-in-all it was a new and interesting experience and I hope something comes of it, especially if grad school does not work out. I am really hoping that the fact that I speak Spanish helps put me in front of the pack. Well I know one of the people I talked to will call, that would be the U.S. Army, they always call.

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