Friday, May 29, 2009

What a Difference a Decade Makes.

I remember back when I graduated from high school the world seemed to be my oyster. I had good test scores and a good GPA, 3.5. I got accepted into the schools I wanted to go to, the military really wanted me and told me I had my pick of just about any program. The world was going to be mine. Now a 10 (OK 12) years later things seemed to have changed.

I finally finished College and got my degree in Psychology. This time my GPA was average at best and my test scores (while pretty much the same from high school) have changed from great to average. Now I couldn't get into any of the grad schools I applied to. I can't join the Air Force, and it seems like I have to jump through more hoops to get into a program in the Army that I would like. On top of all that it seems hard to find a job. A Bachelors in Psychology seems to be almost worthless. I am not quite qualified for anything, other than fast food.

Is it me, have I over the years become or have made myself less desirable. Have the times just changed making it harder. Or maybe just my perception of the world has changed and I am beginning to see the world for how it really is.

1 comment:

Nicki said...

I think it is all those things. Times have changed, our outlook has changed, our perception of things has changed, and we realize that things are not always black or white. Hang in there little bro! You'll find your niche in the world. It just takes a lot of time and patience.