Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Drive-Thru Commandments part 2 (6-10)

OK here are the other five commandments you've been waiting for.
6) Be ready to pay at the window If you are the only car in line or first there is some forgiveness but for the others... It's rather annoying when I have to wait for you to dig through your purse for you to find your wallet , or try to dig it out of your pocket. Why can't it be out and ready when you pull up to the window. Sometimes I also have to wait while they try to count out change. It's just easier for me to give you change than it is for you to search through your car, wallet, pocket counting out pennies and other coins trying to make the change. Just give me the money already. Also don't turn around after paying, doing who knows what,(probably burring your wallet in your purse again) after paying so I can give you your change. Always remember we do except plastic.
7) One order per car. Nothing may be more annoying than the times I get a car that wants two, three, or even four separate orders. Come inside if you absolutely feel the need to do so. It's rude to other guests, it backs things, up and makes things much more complicated. Plus I actually may not be able to take that many orders and hold them on my register. It gets even more annoying when each person pays with a 20 or higher which would have been enough to cover all the orders. Why can't you just pool your money or have one person pay and you pay them back. Also remember to pay for them in the order you ordered them.
8) No changing your order once confirmed.
When you've order and I have confirmed it back to you that's it, order done. It can be rather difficult to go back and change your order once I have totaled it up and again it slows things down. Sometimes I might have your order ready then you go and change it. This includes adding things to the order and taking things off (more on that later). This gets especially annoying if you want to get something else after you've paid. Just try to remember to order everything you need and want when initially ordering.
9) Have enough money to cover your order.
This might be the most forgivable of offenses, but can still be annoying. It would save a lot of trouble if you check before hand to make sure you have enough money and/or your wallet on you. Forgiveness can be granted if your credit is unexpectedly declined, it's happened to me. If you end up having to remove items after realizing you don't have enough results in breaking commandment 8, and having to delete a order entirely is even worse, especially if we have made all or part of your order already (that is money out of our pocket). Also if you realize you don't have enough money, don't just drive off without telling us, that's rude.
10) Try to be quick and courteous
Most or maybe even all places with drive-thrus have a standard speed or service time that they are striving to achieve, some are has low as a minute. It doesn't help them do there job and maintain there standards (which they can get into trouble if they don't) when you drag your feet and take forever. I have not meet standard service times before because took 2 minutes to pay or sat there for a minute eating, drinking or whatever after handing them there food. Also be nice and civil it really helps us to enjoy our jobs more, give better service and be nice in return. Being rude should never be acceptable.

I hope you've enjoyed these commandments and maybe they will help to be a better customer in the future and when in doubt refer to rule number one.

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