Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Five Rings of Joy

I love the Olympics. When I was younger and actually participating in sports I would dream of representing my country in the Olympics and winning the gold medal. There would be tears of jubilation and has I stand on the podium watching the Flag get raised with the national anthem playing. I return home a hero with a parade in my honor..... While that dream may have died the great Olympics still capture my imagination and my hopes.
Every two years a new Olympics begins (Summer then Winter) and I find myself glued to the television for hours on end mesmerized by the skill and prowess of the world's greatest athletes and all the pageantry and spectacle that goes along with the games. I cheer for my country and for my favorite athletes. I take pride when a fellow countryman takes home Gold (or any other medal) and maybe even live a little vicariously through them has a way to recapture a dream lost.
More that that I love the spirit of the Olympics. That sense of camaraderie and sportsmanship. It seems like the one time when the peoples of this world can set aside what ever difference they may have and join together in harmony. It's amazing what can happen when all of sudden every one's interests become one and the same. Why can't this spirit permeate into the world and last forever. Maybe one day that will be true. Until then all I can do is sit back and enjoy it while lasts and keep on cheering, GO U.S.A..!!!

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