Saturday, November 15, 2008


Last night I went to help my wife babysit the three children of some friends of ours. My main job was just to entertain them especially the oldest of three who happens to also be the only boy. I played video games, and horsed around with them and played a little Disney Scene-It until bedtime. Tracy took the two year old upstairs to put to bed. Naturally there was some resistance has the child screamed for its mommy. Knowing that the bedtime for the older two had come (and not being privy to the family's bedtime procedure) I went upstairs to see if I could relieve Tracy of the crying two year old so she could the others ready for bed.
She accepted my offer and I took the crying child into my arms. I held her close and sat down on the rocker. I rocked her back and forth and started singing softly to her. It wasn't very long until the crying stopped. I continued to rock her back and forth for a while longer until she was asleep. While this was happening I just kept imagining doing this with my own child. The joy of the thought brought a tear to my eyes and a warm glow to my heart.
I so look forward to being a dad. Not just for the fun, playful moments but for the quite tender moments also. There is no denying that I will love my child. No, the real question is when I am able to pick my child up and hold it close in my arms, will I ever be able to let it go?

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