Thursday, November 6, 2008

What one person can do.

Often people do not act on what they feel is right. They might say I'm only one person what difference can I possibly make. Here's a little story I came across from Yahoo News. The article is about how the Proposition 8 passed in California.

"Still, even though gays were fighting to preserve a basic right, it was the anti-equality side in California that seemed to have the most fervor. A symbolic low point for the gay side came on Oct. 13, when the Sacramento Bee ran a remarkable story about Rick and Pam Patterson, a Mormon couple of modest means - he drives a 10-year-old Honda Civic, she raises their five boys - who had withdrawn $50,000 from their savings account and given it to the pro-8 campaign. "It was a decision we made very prayerfully," Pam Patterson, 48, told the Bee's Jennifer Garza. "Was it an easy decision? No. But it was a clear decision, one that had so much potential to benefit our children and their children."

You could argue that marriage equality has little to do with children, but Patterson seemed to speak to Californians' inchoate phobias about gays and kids. On the Friday before the Bee story appeared, a group of San Francisco first-graders was taken to city hall to see their lesbian teacher marry her partner. Apparently the field trip was a parent's idea - not the teacher's - but the optics of the event were terrible for the gay side. It seemed like so much indoctrination."

If you want to read the whole see Yahoo. I just felt this was a good example of how one (or in this case one family) had a significant influence for good. I am sure they didn't expect to have this big of an impact of get the attention they did. They just did what they felt was right, but their actions helped to inspired others to action.

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