Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Just Desserts.

Last night I was driving home from work. It was almost 11pm so it was dark and late so there weren't very many other cars out. I'm driving along obeying the speed limit (honestly) when this car speeds up behind me with his high beams on, blinding and annoying me. He's behind me for about 3 minutes when we get to a part when there is a second lane in our direction, he speeds on by me like I was standing still. I remember thinking that if there are any cops out there he's going to get pulled over and hoping that he would. (There are often cops on that road at night.)

About a mile or so down the road I see the distinct flash of police lights and knew may wish had come true. Sure enough he had been pulled over. I just smiled and waved as I drove past. Sometimes its the simple things in life that can bring a little ray of sunshine into your otherwise dreary day.


Nicki said...

I had a similar experience once. I was driving to work one morning, when a motorcycle kept swerving and flashing his lights at me. On one of the few straightaways he passed me. I just continue driving and am grateful I am not in such a hurry. A short while later I go around this set of curves, and there he is. In the grass, his bike on its side, and he's standing there scratching his head. I just waved and kept on driivng.

Richard said...

Doesn't that just make you smile. Sometimes simple gratifications are the best things in life.