Monday, March 16, 2009

5 Seconds of Fame

Yesterday I attended a NCAA Basketball Tournament selection party at my school, to join in with other fans to find out what seed we would get and whom we will play and where. I was a bit disappointed to receive a 16 seed and find out we're playing basketball powerhouse UNC Tar Heels. While I do have faith in my team that they can pull off the upset and shock the world, the realist in me also realizes that Radford will more than likely lose its first round game and be once again forgotten by the rest of the nation. That does not matter because I can still hold my head high and say we made it, and be proud of my team, after all where is Virginia Tech?
Going to the party also had one other benefit, the local cbs affiliate, wdbj 7, was there interviewing fans, alumni, and players and I was one of the people interviewed. While I did end up on the 11 o'clock news it was very brief and my name wasn't put up :(. Of course I said more than what they showed but they only used two sound bits totalling about 3-5 seconds. I'll take what I can get. Follow the link below if you would like to very the news story in which I appear.

The first time I appear its easy to see because you can see my face. The second time I am talking about the Dread the Red shirts so they are showing the shirt and you can't see my face.


Nicki said...

Ryan saw you on the news this moring. My family is becoming famous! First Ben and now you, just don't let it go to your head. :D

Melinda said...

While I am not a VT basketball fan, and I am a Ru Alum, the fact is, look at the teams Tech played all season and esp. the conference they are in. Then, look at Radford's schedule...yeah. My best goes out for Radford, but let's face it...UNC!!!

Tracy said...

you need to blog about your awesomeness more often. maybe about how you're super cool and amazing?