Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Marvelous Superpowered Somebody.

I like many am a big fan of Comic books and the whole superhero genre. I can't get enough of it. Sometimes I like to sit and think about what it would be like to be a superhero or at least have super powers. (Let's face it, I am more than likely to end up a super villian than a hero.) So here is the question I am posing; if you could have any ONE power what would it be? (Saying superman doesn't count because he has multiple powers.)
When ever I ask that the most common one I get is Flight. Most people would want to fly, while that does sound fun there are others that are a little more intriguing to me. Regeneration and be able to live forever or at least a long time would be pretty cool. I'd never have to worry about sickness and injury (no need for health insurance). Super strength or speed would be nice then I could easily become a pro athlete and make lots of money. X-ray vision and invisibility would just get me into trouble. I could have all kinds of fun with telepathy, but then again do you really want to know what people are thinking, scary. Telekinesis while useful would probably just make me fat and lazy.
No the one I would choose; at least right now, would be teleportation, the ability to go anywhere I wanted in the blink of an eye. think about how much I'd save on gas and travel time. I could go anywhere I wanted, when I wanted, Hawaii for the weekend anyone? That would probably be the one power that would make my life the easiest. expect for maybe being able to turn things into gold hmmm........

I'd love to hear from you on this and see what power you would choose.


Tracy said...

I like the power of wireless from heroes- to be able to bend the internet to my every whim? That would be perfection :)

Melinda said...

It's Richard. I think I would like to have the power of invisibility. Imagine, I can go where I want and when I want to be myself I can just find a spot and sit and no one will be able to find me. I can see movies for free, freak out people, and maybe even do special work for the government if you know what I mean. I would however have the ability to cause whatever clothes I am wearing to become invisible to because I am not about to walk around NAKED. That would be my power.